Our 4 living labs

4 existing neighbourhoods are partners of our project as living labs.

Exploring PEDs in these 4 living labs representing various international configurations will lead to insights about what are the best or most appropriate ways to process PED in respecting local diversity and heterogeneity.   

The living labs go through four main stages during the project:
exploration, co-creation, experimentation and evaluation. The results of the project are developed through trans-disciplinary and co-creation methodologies and will yield « PED action plans » for each living lab.

La Roue (Belgium – Brussels)

The Garden City of La Roue is a neighbourhood consisting of around 2000 individual houses, including 40% of
social housing, situated on the Commune of Anderlecht, in Brussels region.

Usquare (Belgium – Brussels)

USquare is a block of 4ha that used to be police barracks, being transformed into an open campus, with two universities (ULB and VUB) in heritage buildings, around 125 public housing (including 70% of social housing), 600 student housing units, public facilities (shops, park) and a sustainable food court.

Kahlenbergerdorf (Austria – Vienna)

Residential area, at the borde of Vienna, with the association „Klimadörfl“

(to be completed)

San Paolo (Italy- Bari)

San Paolo is a neighbourhood of about 30.000 inhabitants on the outskirts of Bari. Its first settlement dates back
to the end of 1950s, and is mainly composed of social housing. At the end of the Sixties, two large developments were planned around that core. Some cooperative blocks and service areas were then added at the end of the nineties/ beginning of the XXI Century.